Outcome following resective surgery for temporal lobe epilepsy: a prospective follow up study of 102 consecutive cases.

The long term outcome has been assessed in a consecutive series of 102 cases undergoing resective temporal lobe surgery because of medically intractable epilepsy. Patients were followed prospectively for a median of 61 months. Actuarial statistics were used to measure the temporal patterns of remission and stability of outcome over prolonged periods of observation. The probability of achieving one year remission was 57% by one year, 70% by two years, and 77% by seven years. Once a patient was in one year remission the probability of remaining seizure free was 90%. This rose to 94% after two consecutive years of being seizure free. The majority of patients who remit following surgery have done so by two years of follow up. Outcome at the end of the second post operative year is a good predictor of long term prognosis.