Spin-1 Centers in Neutron-Irradiated Silicon

Electron paramagnetic resonance was used to study a number of fast-neutron-induced defects formed in pile-irradiated silicon and to follow their concentrations as a function of annealing. Measurements were made at 300, 77, and 4.2°K on samples which had attained intrinsic resistivity during irradiation, using superheterodyne spectrometers operating at 24 and 9.4 kMc/sec. Aside from the previously reported Si-N center, the most prominent lines of the spectrum arise from the ms=0 to ±1 transitions of four spin-1 systems. The distinct symmetry and small production rate (≈0.05 center per fast neutron collision) indicate a class of well-defined but relatively rare defects. Their g tensors, zero-field splitting tensors, and hfs are compatible with systems having two weakly interacting 111 dangling bonds separated by about 5 Å, giving the S=1 Hamiltonians in the triplet levels formed by the weak exchange interaction. Low-temperature measurements suggest that the singlet-triplet splitting lies between 3 and 50 cm1. Comparison with floating-zone silicon shows Center (II, III), which is dominant in unannealed samples, to be independent of impurity. The remaining three S=1 centers, which grow and decay rapidly at higher temperatures, involve oxygen. Precise measurements of the parameters of the spin Hamiltonians are given to permit reproducible identification of the centers.