A novel application of Sensitivity Analysis is presented. Useful applications of Global SA (GSA) already exist in the field of numerical modelling. In this paper, we explore the joint use of GSA, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Multi‐Criteria Evaluation. In this preliminary case study, 11 factors have been used to find the best place to locate a hazardous waste landfill. Two variance‐based methods (Sobol' and E‐FAST) are used to compute sensitivity indices in order to identify the factors that determine the variance of the model output. The results show that only three factors jointly account for 97% of the output variance. This information is employed to make a simplification of the original model, retaining only these three influential factors. In addition, if the SA is carried out in a pilot area where the spatial properties are similar to those of the whole region, we can infer the results to the whole area. This procedure achieves the goal of the study with an optimized allocation of resources for GIS data acquisition.