The Large N Limit of ${\cal N}=1$ Field Theories from F Theory

We study AdS/CFT correspondence in four dimensional N=1 field theories realized on the worldvolume of D3 branes near the intersections between D7 and D7' branes in F theory studied by Aharony et al. We consider the compactification of F theory on elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau threefolds corresponding to two sets of parallel D7 branes sharing six spacetime directions. This can be viewed as orbifolds of six torus T^6 by Z_p x Z_q (p, q=2, 3, 4, 6). We find the large N spectrum of chiral primary operators by exploiting the property of AdS/CFT correspondence. Moreover, we discuss supergravity solutions for D3 branes in D7 and D7' branes background.

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