Late-time theory for the effects of a conserved field on the kinetics of an order-disorder transition

The dynamics of an order-disorder transition is investigated through a nonlinear Langevin model known as model C. This model describes the dynamics of an ordering nonconserved field (e.g., sublattice concentration), φ, coupled to a nonordering conserved field (e.g., absolute concentration), c. An approximate asymptotic time-dependent solution is presented for both fields through a singular perturbative solution of the coupled nonlinear-dynamical system. In particular, analytic expressions for the dynamic structure factors [i.e., Sφ(k,t)==〈φ(k,t)φ*(k,t)〉, and Sc(k,t)==〈c(k,t)c*(k,t)〉, where k is the wave vector and t is time] of both fields are presented. In the late-time regime these expressions reduce to the scaling forms Sφ(k,t)≊td/2 fφ(Q) and Sc(k,t)≊td/21 fc(Q), where Q=kt1/2. Furthermore it is shown that fφ(Q)∝Qd1, fc(Q)∝Qd+1 for Q≫1 and fc(Q)∝Q4 for Q≪1. Intermediate-time corrections, due to a finite interfacial width, to the asymptotic solutions of both fields are also obtained. Many of these predictions are experimentally accessible.