A dual-space approach to tracking and sensor management in wireless sensor networks

Wireless ad hoc sensor networks have the advantage of spanning a large geographical region and being able to collaboratively detect and track non-local spatio-temporal events. This paper presents a dual-space approach to event tracking and sensor resource management in sensor networks. The dual-space transformation maps a non-local phenomenon, e.g., the edge of a half-plane shadow, to a single point in the dual space, and maps locations of distributed sensor nodes to a set of lines that partitions the dual space. The detection problem becomes finding and tracking the cell that contains the point in the arrangement defined by these lines. This mechanism can be effectively used for power management of the sensor network - nodes that will not be immediately visited by an event can be turned off to save energy required for sensing, processing, and communication. The approach has been successfully demonstrated on a laboratory testbed built using the UC Berkeley motes sensors. An implemented application of detecting and tracking light shadow edges moving over a sensor field is described.

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