Spiroplasmas from coleopterous insects: New ecological dimensions

The genusSpiroplasma (helical wall-less prokaryotes) is a recently described group of microorganisms that cause disease in plants, arthropods, and experimentally, in vertebrates. Two spiroplasmas from beetles have now been discovered in a search for microorganisms suitable for biological control of economically important coleopterous insects. Colorado potato beetles (CPB) infected with spiroplasma were commonly found on potato and other solanaceous plants in Maryland. Although this spiroplasma occurred in high concentration in gut fluids and sputum, it could not be cultivated in conventional spiroplasma media. However, another spiroplasma (CN-5 and related strains) reported here to occur commonly in association with larvae and adults of the green June beetle,Cotinus nitida, could be cultivated readily in the SM-1 formulation and several other conventional spiroplasma media. The CN-5 spiroplasma was serologically distinct from representative members of all 8 major groups now recognized. Thus, it represents a ninth major spiroplasma serogroup (IX), and can be considered to be an unnamed species. The CPB spiroplasma is apparently maintained in plant surface-insect gut cycles, but details of maintenance of the CN-5 spiroplasma are incompletely understood. Isolation of CN-5 spiroplasma from soil in which host larvae had fed suggests that transmission of this agent may occur in the soil. Both CN-5 and CPB spiroplasmas exhibited unusually active translational motility in natural fluids, and CN-5 organisms exhibited such motility in culture media. Although we have no evidence that either spiroplasma is pathogenic to its usual host, the pathogenicity of spiroplasmas to many hosts, including the beetle,Melolontha melolontha, suggests possible application for biological control.