Leprosy has been considered to occur only after exposure to a human case. However, evidence has been accumulating that this conventional view is wrong and that an environmental nonhuman source is critical to some human infections with Mycobacterium leprae. Observations, some of which date back to the nineteenth century, support soil, vegetation, water, arthropods, and armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctusi as environmental sources of leprosy. Disparate clinical, epidemiologic, and microbiologic evidence has been critically reviewed in light of the fact that 50%–70% of sporadic cases of leprosy in wellstudied populations occur in persons who have had no known contact with human leprosy. Historical data and current information alike substantiate the concept of nonhuman sources of the disease; recent observations with monoclonal antibody have shown that phenolic glycolipid-I antigen, which is unique to the M. leprae cell wall, is present in soil. In the absence of a technique for in vitro cultivation, indirect methods and the body of observations reviewed here persuasively favor but do not prove the existence of environmental nonhuman sources of M. leprae.