DNA methylation inhibits propagation of tomato golden mosaic virus DNA in transfected protoplasts

The effects of methylation on plant viral DNA replication have been studied inNicotiana tabacum protoplasts transfected with DNA of the geminivirus tomato golden mosaic virus (TGMV). The transfected cells were also used to determine whether experimentally introduced methylation patterns are maintained in extrachromosomal viral DNA. Replacement of cytosine residues with 5-methylcytosine (m5C) reduced the amount of viral DNA which accumulated in transfected protoplasts. The reduction was observed whether m5C residues were substituted for cytosine residuesin vitro in either the viral strand or the complementary strand of double-stranded circular inoculum DNAs containing tandemly repeated copies of the A component of the TGMV genome. Both limited and extensive cytosine methylation of TGMV DNA sequencesin vitro was not propagated in progeny viral DNA. The absence of detectable maintenance-type methylation of the transfecting TGMV DNA sequences may be related to the lack of methylation observed in double-stranded TGMV DNA isolated from infected plants.