The Blocks Database World Wide Web (http://www.blocks.fhcrc.org ) and Email (blocks@blocks.fhcrc.org) servers provide tools for the detection and analysis of protein homology based on alignment blocks representing conserved regions of proteins. During the past year, searching has been augmented by supplementation of the Blocks Database with blocks from the Prints Database, for a total of 4754 blocks from 1163 families. Blocks from both the Blocks and Prints Databases and blocks that are constructed from sequences submitted to Block Maker can be used for blocks-versus-blocks searching of these databases with LAMA, and for viewing logos and bootstrap trees. Sensitive searches of up-to-date protein sequence databanks are carried out via direct links to the MAST server using position-specific scoring matrices and to the BLAST and PSI-BLAST servers using consensus-embedded sequence queries. Utilizing the trypsin family to evaluate performance, we illustrate the superiority of blocks-based tools over expert pairwise searching or Hidden Markov Models.