The hypothalamic paraventricular and lateral parabrachial nuclei receive collaterals from raphe nucleus neurons: A combined double retrograde and immunocytochemical study

Retrograde tracer injections of fluorescein- and rhodamine-labelled latex microspheres centered in the parvicellular zone of the hypothalamic/ paraventricular nucleus and pontine lateral parabrachial nucleus revealed that 36% of the labelled neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus send collaterals to both structures. These cells were organized in a wellx-distinguishable cluster within the dorsal raphe nucleus. By combining retrograde tracing with immunocytochemistry, it was found that less than 8% of the doublex-labelled cells stained positively for serotonin. Of the remaining raphe nuclei that were examined, only the median raphe nucleus contributed a minor nonserotoninergic projection to the paraventricular or lateral parabrachial nuclei. Few of the retrogradely labelled cells in the median raphe nucleus contained both tracers. These results suggest that nonserotoninergic and serotoninergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus, via collateral branching, may simultaneously influence the activity of two central nervous system nuclei involved in autonomic control.