Auxinbiosynthese in vivo aus indol und tryptophan unter sterilen bedingungen

Indole-3H or tryptophan-3H are applied to tips of sterile grown oat or maize coleoptiles. The produced amounts of IAA and Try are extracted, purified by paper ohromatography, and quantitatively determined by liquid scintillation spectrometry. Admixtures of serine or inhibitors of monoamine oxidase are without effect on the IAA production from indole. The yield of IAA from indole equals the IAA yield from Try. If the amount of free Try-3H in the tissue is used as a reference quantity, indole-3H application yields higher3H-activity in the protein and in the IAA fraction than does Try-3H application, probably as a result of compartmentation effects. There are no results indicating a pathway of IAA biosynthesis from indole without Try as an intermediate.