Electron microscopic evidence on the acrosomal status of bound sperm and their penetration into human hemizonae pellucida after storage in a buffered salt solution*

Summary. The hemizona assay (HZA) was developed to evaluate sperm binding potential using microbisected human zona pellucida. In this study, eight human oocytes stored in a buffered salt solution for 60 days were bisected into two identical hemispheres (hemizonae) and coincubated with the spermatozoa from a fertile man. All evaluated spermatozoa were tightly bound to the outer surface or had begun penetration into the zona pellucida. The hemizonae with bound spermatozoa were prepared and fixed for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) using standard techniques. Among the 108 sperm bound to the zone we were able to evaluate 25 by TEM. Twenty (80%) of the zona bound spermatozoa were partially or completely acrosome reacted, while six (20%) of the zona bound sperm had intact acrosomes. Acrosome intact, partially acrosome reacted and completely reacted spermatozoa were observed within the zona. Penetration pathways or tunnels were seen within the zona matrix. The results illustrate, that typically spermatozoa tightly bound the human zona pellucida show induction of the acrosome reaction. Importantly, following storage of human eggs in salt solution (buffered to 7.4), the zona pellucida retain their biological and functional characteristics for at least 90 days.