Virus-induced papillomas of the alimentary tract of cattle

An abattoir survey was carried out to determine the incidence and aetiology of squamous papillomas of the alimentary tract of cattle in Scotland and North England as they were suspected of being involved in the genesis of alimentary carcinoma in certain localized geographical areas. A total of 7,746 cattle of a wide age range was examined. Various subsets of this number were subjected to analyses of certain specific factors. The calculated overall incidence was 19% and the detailed site incidence and tumour multiplicity are given. The sites at which papillomas were found were identical with those at which carcinoma had been noted in animals from a high‐cancer area. The number of sites affected by papilloma and the tumour multiplicity were much lower in the general population than in the high‐cancer area. Inclusion bodies, identified by electronmicroscopy as virus, were found in tumour cell nuclei and a typical papilloma virus was purified from the tumours. The structure of the tumours is described and the possible plurality of bovine papilloma‐viruses is discussed in the light of recent findings in the human viruses. The general interest of a naturally occurring and geographically localized oncogenic system, in which an environmental carcinogen and a virus might be involved, is extended.