The Copper Chelator Methanobactin from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b Binds Copper(I)

The oxidation state of copper bound to methanobactin, a small siderophore-like molecule from the methanotroph Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b, was investigated. Purified methanobactin loaded with Cu(II) exhibits a weak EPR signal probably due to adventitious Cu(II). The EPR signal intensity increases significantly upon addition of the strong oxidant nitric acid. Features of the X-ray absorption near edge spectrum, including a 1s → 4p transition at 8985 eV, further indicate the presence of Cu(I). EXAFS data were best fit using a multiple scattering model generated from previously reported crystallographic parameters. These results establish definitively that M. trichosporium OB3b methanobactin binds Cu(I) and suggest that methanobactin itself reduces Cu(II) to Cu(I).