Beta2‐glycoprotein I in thrombosis: evidence for a role as a natural anticoagulant

Although the physiological role of beta2-glycoprotein I (B2GPI) is unknown, in vitro evidence indicates that B2GPI may be a natural anticoagulant. In this study we have examined whether fluctuations of plasma B2GPI occur in in vivo coagulation. Serial measurements of B2GPI and other anticoagulant proteins were performed in 51 patients with thrombotic (group 1: six patients with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), group 2: venous (n=4) or arterial (n=17) thrombosis) and non-thrombotic disease (group 3: 24 patients undergoing elective surgery). Reductions in plasma B2GPI levels were seen in most patients which were roughly proportional to the severity of their illness. Particularly striking reductions of B2GPI, protein C (PC) and antithrombin III (AT-III) (mean ± 95% CI: 42.7 ± 8.6%, 42.1 ± 14.8%, 39.1 ± 28.4% respectively) were seen in group 1. The reductions in plasma B2GPI were significantly greater in group 1 than in the other groups. Dilutional factors explain most of the reductions in B2GPI, PC and AT-III in groups 2 and 3, but contribute little to group 1. In conclusion, although B2GPI behaves as a ‘negative acute phase reactant’, the magnitude of reduction of plasma B2GPI levels, accompanied by reductions in other anticoagulant proteins in patients with DIC, suggests specific consumption of B2GPI in in vivo coagulation. This study provides further evidence that B2GPI is an anticoagulant of physiological importance.