Monitoring Therapy by Serum HER-2/Neu

We have evaluated the performance of the Bayer Immuno 1™ serum HER-2/neu assay. The precision is excellent and varied between 1.7% and 2.1% at values of HER-2/neu ranging from 16.8 ng/mL to 108.6 ng/mL. In normal women who were followed on a monthly basis the average deviation was 6%. The concentration (mean ± SD) in normal women was 8.7 ± 3.2 ng/mL. There was no difference between pre and postmenopausal women. The normal/abnormal cutoff was defined as greater than 15 ng/mL. In normal women and those with benign disease the specificity varied between 95% and 100%. In women with breast cancer the sensitivity was 1.7% in stage I disease, 3.0% in stage II, 16.7 in stage III and 35.5% in stage IV. There were 56 elevations (14.7%) in the total group of 285 women with breast cancer. There was an excellent correlation with a microtitre plate method (r=0.9944). Longitudinal studies showed clearly that women who expressed HER-2/neu in their tissue had elevated serum levels and these levels reflected the clinical course of the patient. More extensive control studies are required to establish the role of HER-2/neu assays in the management of women with breast cancer.