
Since 1933, I have had the opportunity to study 117 cases of anthrax, 116 of which were of the external or cutaneous type and 1, of the internal, or pulmonary, variety. In all cases, the clinical diagnosis was confirmed bacteriologically by means of suitable smears and cultures performed at the Chester Hospital by Dr. G. B. Sickel. As reported in a previous communication,1virulence tests done on guinea pigs, rabbits, and sheep with anthrax bacilli recovered from some of the cases revealed them to be highly virulent strains. CUTANEOUS ANTHRAX In this series, one patient, the very first case, died, giving a mortality rate of 0.8%. The subsequent 115 cases recovered without any sequelae. One hundred four originated in a local mill that uses goat hair in the manufacture of interlining for men's coats. The hair is imported from the Orient (China, India, Pakistan) and North Africa (Morocco) in