The role of stimuli in chained fixed‐ratio schedules of reinforcement was examined. At various ratio values, responding on schedules consisting of three or five equal components, with a different colored light in each component (“block counter”) was compared with responding on tandem or simple fixed‐ratio schedules having the same color present throughout the entire ratio. At all ratio values except the smallest, the chain stimuli resulted in longer pauses after reinforcement. The magnitude of this effect became greater as the size of the ratio was increased. Post‐reinforcement pause durations were longer under five‐component schedules than under three‐component schedules. Running rates in the first component were lower on the chained schedules than on the tandem schedules; on both kinds of schedule, rates were lower in the first component than in the rest of the ratio. When the sequence of stimuli was reversed, the duration of the post‐reinforcement pause dropped markedly and the running rate in the initial component increased, but these effects gradually disappeared after the first reversal session. When the final chain stimulus was substituted for the first component stimulus but continued to appear in the final chain component as well, the pause duration dropped and remained at this lower level during subsequent sessions.

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