Since the discovery by Langenbcck1 in 1839 of the organism now called Monilia albicans, its constant presence in oral thrush has been recognized. Kohlbrügge,2 in 1901, found what he believed to be the same parasite in the intestines of patients with tropical sprue, and he believed it to be the cause of this disease. Guilini,3 in 1891, described thrush of the vulva. It was not, however, until 1911 that the production of widespread dermatoses by this parasite of the alimentary tract was demonstrated by Beck and Ibrahim. Since then the same or similar organisms have been found in many types of skin disease, and an enormous number of reports on their occurrence has accumulated. These have been excellently summarized by Shelmire4 and others. Without attempting to review them all, it would seem useful to recapitulate the lesions in which organisms of this character have been