d-wave pairing in tetragonal superconductors

Using group-theoretical methods, we classify into 11 symmetry classes all translationally invariant singlet-paired superconducting-gap functions whose quasiparticle energy spectrum preserves the symmetry of a tetragonal crystal. We show that for the gap function of symmetry Δd+(coskx-cosky) the two logarithmic singularities in the density of states as a function of energy are a robust consequence of changes in topology of the surfaces of constant quasiparticle energy. Removing the node in this gap function by adding an imaginary component of symmetry iΔd sinkx sinky results in the only possible nodeless gap function that does not involve s-wave pairing, and hence is the only nodeless singlet superconductor that is not suppressed by a Hubbard-type repulsion. We discuss the possible relation to ab-plane tunneling experiments in the high-Tc compound Bi2 Sr2 CaCu2 O8.