Determination of cotinine in biological fluids of non-smokers by packed column gas-liquid chromatography

A method is described for the analysis of cotinine in plasma, saliva and urine using packed-column gas-liquid chromatography, which is sufficiently sensitive and reproducible for quantitative study of the low levels resulting from exposure of non-smokers to other people's smoke. The lower limit of detection of cotinine in these fluids was 100 pg ml−1. The coefficient of variation over the range 0.25 to 2.0 ng ml−1 averaged 7.7%. In a sample of 85 non-smokers the concentrations of cotinine in plasma correlated 0.82 with those in urine and saliva, while the correlation between the saliva and urine concentrations was 0.91. Saliva cotinine concentrations were quantitatively related to passive exposure to parental smoking in a population study of 569 non-smoking schoolchildren.