La Vecchia C (Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche ‘Mario Negri’, Via Eritrea, 62–20157 Milano, Italy) et al. Oestrogens and obesity as risk factors for endometrial cancer in Italy. International Journal of Epidemiology 1982, 11: 120–126. Inn a case-control study evaluate risk factors for endometrial cancer, obesity., history of various disease, reproductive and menstrual characteristics, marital status, education, and lifetime use of female hormones were examined in 173 histologically proven endometrial cancers and 347 controls. non-contraceptive oestrogen use, late menopause. low parity and history of uterine fibromomas were associated with an increased risk of endometrial cancer. The relative risks of obesity and oestrogen use seem to fit well for an additive model. Histological differntialion was positively correlated both to oestrogen use and to level of iverweight, supporting the hyposthesis of a specific role of ioestrogens in endometrial cancer.