Field Survey Methods in Psychiatry

THIS IS the first of a series of papers that will describe an exhaustive follow-up study of 214 schizophrenic and 23 nonpsychotic males. The study was a joint effort by the New York State Mental Health Research Unit and the Division of Preventive Psychiatry, University of Rochester, Department of Psychiatry. The Mental Health Research Unit wished to use a sample of diagnosed male schizophrenics in an effort to assess the social and psychiatric correlates of successful performance and community tenure. They wished to develop a model of mental illness focused upon the adequate performance of certain familial, occupational, and communal roles by the patient. In this paper we shall discuss the research focus of the Division of Preventive Psychiatry: the development of survey methods and instruments for use in the follow-up of patient cohorts. This interest followed development of the Monroe County psychiatric case register.1 Since its