Struktur und Reaktivität von Carbonyl(cyclopentadienyl) (allenyliden) -Komplexen / Structure and Reactivity of Carbonylcyclopentadienylallenylidene Complexes

The X-ray structure of a Dicarbonyl(dicyclohexylallenylidene)(cyclopentadienyl)manganese( I) complex was determined. The reactivity of a variety of nucleophiles, as OCH3-, N(CH3)2-, t-BuS-, P(CeH5)3 and P(C2H5)3, towards Dicarbonyl(methylcyclopentadienyl)- (diorganylallenylidene)manganese(I) compounds was investigated. The addition of anionic bases and subsequent protonation leads to vinylcarbene or vinylidene complexes. Phosphanes result in the attack of the terminal position of the cumulenic chain. An MO explanation for the regioselectivity of the base attack is provided