Computationally efficient angle estimation for signals with known waveforms

This paper presents a large sample decoupled maximum likelihood (DEML) angle estimator for uncorrelated narrowband plane waves with known waveforms and unknown amplitudes arriving at a sensor array in the presence of unknown and arbitrary spatially colored noise. The DEML estimator decouples the multidimensional problem of the exact ML estimator to a set of 1-D problems and, hence, is computationally efficient. We shall derive the asymptotic statistical performance of the DEML estimator and compare the performance with its Cramer-Rao bound (CRB), i.e., the best possible performance for the class of asymptotically unbiased estimators. We will show that the DEML estimator is asymptotically statistically efficient for uncorrelated signals with known waveforms. We will also show that for moderately correlated signals with known waveforms, the DEML estimator is no longer a large sample maximum likelihood (ML) estimator, but the DEML estimator may still be used for angle estimation, and the performance degradation relative to the CRB is small. We shall show that the DEML estimator can also be used to estimate the arrival angles of desired signals with known waveforms in the presence of interfering or jamming signals by modeling the interfering or jamming signals as random processes with an unknown spatial covariance matrix. Finally, several numerical examples showing the performance of the DEML estimator are presented in this paper.<>