The common occurrence and physiologic role of lactic acid have tended to establish the general opinion that this substance is not to be considered as poisonous. Lactic acid is not mentioned in any of the standard textbooks on toxicology. We have been able to find only one reference to it as a cause of death in a human being. Leschke1cites a case described by Fühner2of a woman aged 27 who died in twelve hours after the administration by duodenal tube of 100 cc. of a 33 per cent aqueous solution of lactic acid in error for magnesium sulfate. This resulted in dyspnea, vomiting of blood and mucus, a rapid feeble pulse, hemoglobinuria and cyanosis. The autopsy revealed a dark red patch of erosion in the duodenum. Both duodenum and jejunum showed hemorrhagic infiltration of all coats and necrosing inflammation. Leschke remarks that "lactic acid has a

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