Effect of N‐terminal iodination on the biological, immunological and receptor binding properties of secretin.

Both radiotrace labeled and high specific activity 125I‐labeled derivatives of secretin were prepared by direction iodination of the histidyl residue with chloramine T ([125I] secretin) and by conjugation of a preiodinated Bolton‐Hunter group (iodo‐3‐(4‐hydroxyphenyl) propionate) to the free α‐amino group at the N‐terminus ([125I] BH‐secretin). Following purification, the biological, immunological and receptor binding properties of both secretin derivatives were compared. [125I] secretin and [125I] BH‐secretin were equally effective in a sensitive radioimmunoassay that detected secretin and secretin (5–27) but not CCK‐8, VIP and glucagon. Although both derivatives retained 60% of the biological potency of secretin as measured by cAMP accumulation in pancreatic acinar cells, only the directly iodinated peptide ([125I] secretin) could be used to characterize specific binding sites on rat pancreatic membranes. The N‐terminal blocked derivative ([125I] BH‐secretin) in contrast dissociated rapidly from pancreatic membranes reflecting an unstable hormone‐receptor complex. These results suggest that a free α‐amino group at the N‐terminus may be essential for an optimal interaction of secretin with its pancreatic receptor.