The hyperfine interactions of the first shell of Ga neighbors around Mn2+ on a Ga site in GaP are determined at 4.2 K by means of electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) techniques. The spectrum could be described by use of the ENDOR spin Hamiltonian H=I·A·S+Q[Ixq213I(I+1)+13η(Iyq2Izq2)]gNβNH·I. The parameters of Ga71 are: Axhxhh=+16.665±0.004 MHz, Ayhyhh=+14.186±0.010 MHz, Azhzhh=+13.848±0.008 MHz, Qh=1.493±0.005 MHz. η=0.20±0.02, and gNβNh=+1.298±0.003 kHz/G. The xh, yh, and zh axes are the principal axes of A. The zh and zq axes coincide, and are along [1¯10] for a Mn-Ga pair with axis along [110]. The angles between the pair axis and the xh and xq axes are 32.2±0.2° and 42.6±0.3°. respectively. The results for Ga69 are found to scale with those for Ga71 according to the ratios of the nuclear spins and the quadrupole moments. An attempt is made to interpret the data in terms of electron transfer and point-charge contributions.