The flagellar genes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO cluster on the chromosome at two distinct regions, region I and region II. The order of the flagellar cistrons in this organism was established by using transducing phage G101 and plasmids FP5 and R68.45. A method to insert transposon Tn501 near the fla genes was devised. We obtained two strains in which Tn501 was inserted at sites close to the flagellar cistrons in region II. We isolated Fla mutants in which the chromosomal segment between the two Tn501 insertion sites was deleted. Using Tn501-encoded mercury resistance as an outside marker, we determined the order of 9 of the 11 flagellar cistrons in region II as follows: puuF-region I-flaG-flaC-flaI-flaH-flaD-flaB-flaA-flaF-flaE-pur-67. By using phage G101-mediated transduction, the mutation converting monoflagellated bacteria into the multiflagellated (mfl) form was closely linked to the five fla cistrons in region I. Using mfl as an outside marker, we determined the order of the five cistrons as follows: puuF-flaV-flaZ-flaW-flaX-flaY-region II. The mfl mutation was shown to be either located within the flaV cistron or linked very closely to this cistron. No linkage was observed in transductions between any of the fla cistrons in region I and any of the fla cistrons in region II.