Temperature and low mean cell residence time (MCRT) effects on enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) were investigated in continuous flow bench-scale activated sludge systems treating settled domestic wastewater supplemented with 50 mg/l acetate over ranges of MCRT and temperature of 2-4 days and 13.5-20° C respectively. Temperature effects (10-37°C) on anaerobic soluble COD (CODsol) uptake and soluble P release (Psol) and aerobic Psol uptake rates were studied in batch. For the temperature range studied, EBPR functioned efficiently at MCRT ≥ 2.9 day; below 2.9 day MCRT EBPR is lost at an MCRT value that depends on temperature. Temperature effects on MCRT for EBPR (13.5-20°C), anaerobic CODsol uptake and Psol release rates and aerobic Psol uptake rates (10-30°C) are described by similar Arrhenius plots indicating a similar temperature dependency for all biological processes involved in EBPR.

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