Postcranial Osteology of the most Primitive Artiodactyl: Diacodexis pakistanensis (Dichobunidae)

Summary: Diacodexis pakistanensis is the smallest and most primitive artiodactyl. It is Known from the ealry Eocene of the Indo‐pakistani subcontinet. It retains a clavicle, has five complete digits in the manus and four in the pes and is digitigrade.The elongated limbs, reduced ability to pronate and supinate, double pulleyed astragalus and reduced lateral digits indicate that D.Pakistanensis is coursorial. However, the shape of the spinous Processes of the sacrum, the size of the deltoid tubercle of the humerus, the shape of the proximal femur. the narrow distal trochlea of the astragalus and proportions of the long bones indicate that it is less cursorial than any other dichobunid artiodactyl.