Hodrushite—a new sulphosalt

Summary: Hodrushite, a new sulphosalt of copper and bismuth, was found in the Rosalia ore vein at Banská Hodrušá near Banská Štiavnica, Czechoslovakia. It has chemical composition Cu8·12Bi11·54Fe0·29S22 (as determined by electron-microprobe method) close to Cu8Bi12S22. Symmetry is monoclinic, space group A2/m, lattice constants a 27·21, b 3·93, c 17·58 Å, β 92° 9′, measured density 6·35, calculated density 6·45 g/cm3. Microhardness 200 kg/mm2, anisotropic, weak bireflectance, creamy with pinkish tint, maximum reflectivity about 6000 Å. Crystals needle-shaped and striated along [010], colour steel-grey, quickly tarnishing to bronze. Associated with quartz, hematite, and chalcopyrite. Closely related to cuprobismutite.

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