The double vision of alcohol

This article describes a research project in Bologna, Italy, in which researchers used what they term “bi‐polar” photo‐elicitation to understand cultural values concerning alcohol use. This paper is an overview of the reseasch project and an example of findings, rather than a summary of final research results. The use and abuse of alcoholic substances has been studied by many social and natural scientists; from researchers in medicine to psychology and psychiatry, from criminology (e.g. the study of pathological deviance) to forensic medicine (Rolli and Cottino 1992). This article is an excerpt from the larger research project Informative Campaign for a Correct Usage of Alcoholic Substances, ordered by the Municipality of Bologna along with the Local Health Service, in 1996. In this article we have two main aims: we investigate the uses and abuses of alcoholic substances, from a perspective which includes both the social‐cultural significance of alcohol in Italy and the “cultural worlds of reference” of subjects interviewed during the larger research project; we present an overview of the results of testing a form of the well‐established photo‐elicitation interview, which we named Bipolar Photo‐elicitation.

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