Prevalence of rabies and LPM paramyxovirus antibody in non-hematophagous bats captured in the Central Pacific coast of Mexico

To investigate if non-hematophagous bats play a role in outbreaks of rabies and blue eye disease (LPMV), we studied the seroprevalence against both agents in several species of non-hematophagous bats on the sub-tropical Pacific coast of the state of Colima, Mexico. The survey covered a predominantly agricultural area (disturbed), and an area dominated by semideciduous dry forest (undisturbed). A total of 151 non-hematophagous bats of 16 species were captured from the two areas. Fifty-six (37%) had antirabic antibodies (Ab) while 87 (58%) did not and 8 samples (5%) had to be discarded because of hemolysis. A much lower (P<0.05) prevalence of antirabic Ab was found in bats caught in disturbed areas (22.7%) compared with those from undisturbed areas (51.9%). The presence of antirabic Ab was not related to sex, genera or feeding habits. The higher prevalence found in bats in the undisturbed area may be the result of more frequent interspecies encounters. Of the 108 sera analyzed for antibodies against LPMV, only one was positive (a male Rhogeessa parvula major, captured in the undisturbed area). This suggests that bats in the surveyed localities do not play a role in the epidemiology of LPMV.