Evidence for the positive-strangeness pentaquark $Θ^+$ in photoproduction with the SAPHIR detector at ELSA

  • 6 August 2003
The positive--strangeness baryon resonance $\Theta^+$ is observed in photoproduction of the $\rm nK^+K^0_s$ final state with the SAPHIR detector at the Bonn ELectron Stretcher Accelerator ELSA. It is seen as a peak in the $\rm nK^+$ invariant mass distribution with a $4.8\sigma$ confidence level. We find a mass $\rm M_{\Theta^+} = 1540\pm 4\pm 2$ MeV and an upper limit of the width $\rm \Gamma_{\Theta^+} < 25$ MeV at 90% c.l. The photoproduction cross section for $\rm\bar K^0\Theta^+$ is in the order of 300 nb. From the absence of a signal in the $\rm pK^+$ invariant mass distribution in $\rm\gamma p\to pK^+K^-$ at the expected strength we conclude that the $\Theta^+$ must be isoscalar.

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