Hyaluronidase was of therapeutic value in human infertility in 33 of 102 selected patients. The application of the enzyme may be of value in the following instances In patients presenting a sperm concn. of less than 50 million/ml., because the enzyme is usually absent when the sperm population is below this level; in patients presenting a normal sperm concn. (about 100 million sperms/ml.), where the enzyme concn. is low (less than 1 unit); and occasionally in a patient with a normal sperm population and adequate hyaluronidase (1 or more units/ml.), in whom no adequate reason can be found for the infertility. Hyaluronidase and the enzyme that liquefies cervical mucus are not identical but present certain parallelisms. Addition of papain to hyaluronidase may be of distinct value in patients with a nonspecific endocervicitis. Sexual abstinence for a limited period (avg. about 2 wks.) does not increase the hyaluronidase content of semen.