The hypothalamo-hypophysial system in acipenseridae

Neurohypophyses from sexually mature female sturgeons, Acipenser güldenstädti Brandt, killed before, soon after spawning, and during down-stream migration were studied light and electron microscopically. Ovaries were examined only under a light microscope. A large amount of neurosecretory material (3.5–4.5 arbitrary units) is found in the neurohypophysial “roots” during up-stream migration to spawning grounds. Neurosecretory fibres and their terminals are replete with elementary neurosecretory granules. Side by side with the latter some terminals contain single residual granules and few “synaptic” vesicles. Soon after spawning the amount of neurosecretory material decreases markedly in most individuals (content up to 1–3 units), and elementary granules are few in the fibres and their terminals. The number of residual granules increases, and “synaptic” vesicles are especially numerous. Granulated, disintegrating neurosecretory granules and granule-shadows occur in the preterminal parts of the fibres. The number of pituicytes increases because some “light” tanycytes seem to migrate from the ependymal into the subependymal layer. The restoration of neurosecretory material (reaching again up to 3.5–4.5 units) occurs within a month after spawning. The number of elementary granules increases in fibres and terminals while that of residual granules and “synaptic” vesicles decreases. These changes in the neurohypophysis of females after spawning are due to discharge of great amounts of peptide neurohormones into the general circulation after spawning. Spawning is regarded as a “physiological” stress for these females.

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