Oogenesis in theFemale Sterile (1)42 Mutant ofDrosophila melanogaster

The sex‐linked mutation fs(1)42 was induced by ethyl methane sulfonate. It has no effect on either the external morphology or longevity of adult hemizygotes or homozygotes. Heterozygotes and hemizygotes are fertile, but homozygotes are sterile. Egg chamber development proceeds through stage 8, and thereafter chambers degenerate. Dying follicle cells are seen in chambers at all positions in the ovarioles. Profollicle cells also die within germaria, and clusters of sister cystocytes take longer than normal to receive their coverings of follicle cells. Egg chambers in the vitellarium contain only about 60% the normal number of follicle cells, these generally have greater lateral dimensions, and their nuclei and nucleoli are also larger than normal. The follicular envelope of mutant chambers often contains gaps through which cystocytes send cytoplasmic projections. Abnormalities seen in development of the fs(1)42 oocyte are likely to be due to its envelope of defective follicle cells.