Precipitation in low energy helium irradiated molybdenum

The precipitation of low energy helium injected into molybdenum has been monitored by thermal helium desorption spectrometry (THDS). Precipitates nucleating at vacancies have been studied in the range from n = 1 to n = 2500 He per precipitate. The behaviour of the growing precipitates with respect to helium trapping, self-interstitial capture and emission, and helium release is discussed against the background of results of TEM work done for precipitates with n > 500 He. Evidence is found for (i) “trap mutation” at n = 10 He, i.e. formation of bound self-interstitials around the helium filled vacancy, and (ii) emission of at least one of these “mutation produced self-interstitials” (MPI) at n ∼ 12 He. For larger precipitates (n > 20 He) the emission of single MPI is not apparent. At n = 1000 signs of helium binding to MPI-loops punched out by the precipitates are observed in the spectra.