It is the purpose of this paper to develop a theory upon which the design of low noise FET amplifiers can be based. This is not a fundamenta model of the noise mechanisms in GaAs FET's, but rather, an endeavor to relate physically measurable device capacitances and resistances to the device noise figure and optimum noise source impedance. I will be shown that the noise performance of an FET can be adequately described by two uncorrelated noise sources. One, at the input of the FET, is the thermal noise generated in the various resis, tances in the gate-source loop. This noise source is frequency dependent and it can be calculated from the equivalent circuit of the FET. The second noise source, in the Output of the FET, is frequency independent, and not recognizably related to any measured parameters. This output nise is a function of drain current and voltage. The decomposition of the FET noise into two uncorrelated sources simplifies the design of broad-band low noise amplifiers. Once the equivalent circuit of a device and its noise figure at one frequency are known, the optimum noise source impedance and noise figure over a broad range of frequencies may be calculated. For the device designer this model also may be helpful in balancing input-output noise tradeoffs.