The limitations of in vitro fertilization from males with severe oligospermia and abnormal sperm morphology

Thirty-one patients whose infertility was attributed to oligospermia were included for treatment by in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer. Three subgroups were defined: severe oligospermia (≤5 million motile sperm/ml), moderate oligospermia (6 to 60% atypical). The fertilization rates were compared to those of a normospermic group managed concurrently. A modified overlay technique of sperm preparation is described for oligospermic samples so that the number of motile spermatozoa inseminated into each tube or culture dish containing a mature preovulatory oocyte was similar in each category, within the range 0.5 to 2×105/ml. Significantly fewer oocytes were fertilized in the severe oligospermic group (PPP<0.01). Pregnancies were achieved in both the severe and the moderate oligospermic groups, with healthy infants delivered from each.