Field and intensity correlation in random media

We have obtained the spectral and spatial field correlation functions, CE(Δω) and CE(Δx), respectively, from measurement of the microwave field spectrum at a series of points along a line on the output of a random dielectric medium. CE(Δω) and CE(Δx) are shown to be the Fourier transforms, respectively, of the time of flight distribution, obtained from pulsed measurements, and of the specific intensity. Unlike CE(Δω), the imaginary part of CE(Δx) is shown to vanish as a result of the isotropy of the correlation function in the output plane. The complex square of the field correlation function gives the short-range or C1 contribution to the intensity correlation function C. Longer-range contributions to the intensity correlation function are obtained directly by subtracting C1 from C and are in good agreement with theory.