Stability of tissue culture medium pH as a function of autoclaving, time, and cultured plant material

Autoclaving is a standard procedure for sterilizing nutrient media for plant tissue cultures. Most tissue cultures are grown at pH 5.2 to 5.8 with pH adjustments being made prior to autoclaving. This paper reports that there are significant differences between initial pH levels and pH levels following autoclaving, particularly in the pH range of 5.7 to 8.5. This effect is noted with and without agar. In addition, we report that with time the pH of the medium drifts into the acid range. When Cucumis callus was added to the medium, the pH was changed significantly within 48 hours. The amount and direction (increase or decrease of pH) was significantly correlated with the original pH. This suggests that researchers should be wary of the true pH situation in their medium. In addition, in publications authors should specify whether their medium pH value was determined before or after autoclaving.