Photomechanical migrations of pigment granules along the retinula cells of the crayfish

The light-dependent migrations of proximal pigment granules along the photoreceptors of the crayfish compound-eye were studied in isolated retinas and eyestalks. The extent and kinetics of movement in each direction were found quantitatively equivalnt to those observed in the organ in situ. These and other features make these cells to appear as intrinsically independent pigmentary effectors, directly responsive to light. During dark adaptation (DA) the pigment migrates away from the cell nucleus and accumulates along the axon in two distinct steps. Each step constitutes half of the total distance of about 180 μm and proceeds at 0.30 μm/sec. Only prolonged metabolic impairment inhibited the first phase, while the second was blocked by hypoxia, cyanide, colchicine, and D2O. The maintenance of a full DA position was also shown to be highly dependent upon metabolism. Light incidence on DA eyes is followed by an apparently monophasic expansion of the pigment from the axon towards the perikaryal region at 0.38 μm/sec. This movement was not affected by any of the foregoing agents and seems to be a passive relaxation process. Cytochalasin B had no effect on either motion. The migration in either direction has an exponential time course and is temperature dependent. Electron microscopy revealed two separate patterns of cytoplasmic organization corresponding to the cell areas where the two phases of DA occur. In the region close to the nucleus the pigment appears irregularly scattered, whereas in the axon the granules are situated around a thick longitudinal bundle of microtubules. These results suggest the existence of two different mechanisms of pigment granule translocation operating in two separate regions of the retinula cell.