Contralateral Masking in Cochlear Implant Users with Residual Hearing in the Non-Implanted Ear

Contralateral masking was investigated in cochlear implant users with residual hearing in the non-implanted ear. Threshold elevations for acoustic probes were observed when electrical maskers were presented in the opposite ear. Also, threshold elevations for electrical probes were observed when acoustic contralateral maskers were presented. The amount of threshold shift expressed in decibels charge or decibels sound pressure level produced by either contralateral acoustic or electric maskers was within the range found in normal listeners for similar stimuli (i.e. 4–8 dB). There was a correlation between the sensation level of acoustic maskers and the maximum amount of masking observed which is consistent with data for normally hearing subjects. The width of the masking patterns was similar to that expected from forward masking patterns in severely sensorineurally impaired ears and implanted ears. The maximum amount of acoustic masking tended to occur for electrode positions that were more basal than expected from characteristic frequency positions. However, where a relatively high-frequency 4-kHz masker could be used, there was a good match between the characteristic frequency position of the maximum threshold elevation and that of the masker.

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