Coronary heart disease prevention: Relationship between socio-economic status and knowledge, motivation and behaviour in a free-living male, adult population

A questionnaire concerning knowledge, motivation and behaviour connected with coronary heart disease (CHD) prevention was administered to 6074 men aged 46 yrs, residents of Rome. The aim of this analysis was to evaluate whether differences exsisted between three socio-economic (SE) classes arbitrarily defined as medium-high (MH), intermediate (I), and medium-low (ML). Knowledge on CHD and its prevention was more satisfactory in the MH class than in the ML class. The same was observed for attitudes toward prevention (the NM class demonstrated more attention to prevention than ML class). Data were less straightforward for behaviour, which seemed to be dependent on both economic status and education. In fact the MH class claimed to smoke less than ML class, to spend more leisure time in physical activity and to check blood pressure and serum cholesterol more often. Their diets, however, were more expensive and rich than those of the ML class. By contrast the ML class, when compared to MH class, seemed to drink more alcoholic beverages and to be heavier, but they walked more and their diet resembled more closely the Mediterranean one. Altogether, in this study population, the highest social class seemed to be associated with better behaviours toward CHD prevention.