Antiproton-deuteron annihilation intoΛ+anything below 1 GeV/c

We present data on Λ production from two experiments in which the ANL 12-foot and the BNL 30-inch deuterium-filled bubble chambers were exposed to antiproton beams from 550 to 900 MeV/c. Some features of the data are compared to calculations of double scattering using K¯ and Λ¯ as the exchanged particles. The Λ final states in our experiments exhibit behavior which suggests that a double-scattering mechanism with a K¯ exchanged between the two nucleons is the most likely candidate for the Λ production mechanism. The data are compared with two other experiments in which Λ events are produced above the p¯dΛ¯ΛN threshold. A test of isospin invariance in these reactions is also reported.