1. The frontal ganglion is well developed and gives rise to a number of short and long branches. It is connected to the brain by a pair of frontal ganglion connectives and a median nervus connectivus. 2. The hypocerebral ganglion is the posterior swelling of the median recurrent nerve and is completely surrounded dorsally by the corpora cardiaca. 3. The corpora cardiaca are large, separated anteriorly and united posteriorly. They are connected to the brain by two pairs of nerves and to the hypocerebral ganglion by a pair of short and thick nerves. 4. The corpora allata are separate, small elliptical bodies and remain adnate to the posterolateral walls of the oesophagus. Each corpus allatum is connected to the corpus cardiacum, prothoracic gland and suboesophageal ganglion. 5. The oesophageal nerves run on the lateral sides of the oesophagus and crop and end into the ingluvial ganglia at the posterior extremity of the crop.