Graphic recording of pulmonary ventilation is employed as a quantitative and qualitative test of respiratory function in patients with asthma and pulmonary emphysema by use of a Benedict-Roth basal metabolism apparatus using various gases for testing. An 80% helium and 20% O2 mixture may compensate for a 50% reduction in normal diam. of the larynx or trachea; a lessened reduction in use of bronchial tree e.g., status asthmaticus. The use of 1-100 adrenalin or 1% neo-synephrin often terminates attacks of asthma. 40-50% conc. of O2 for prolonged periods is found useful in treating continuous asthmatic dyspnoea, and pulmonary emphysema: this results in an initial rise in CO2 content of arterial blood followed by a substantial lowering. Detailed directions as to the use of O2 therapy as well as the helium-oxygen mixture are given.